New Apple TV scheduled for summer

Like reports the new generation of Apple's set-top box is scheduled to be released in the summer for WWDC. The remote control in particular is to be redesigned.

Netflix on Apple TV in Germany
Netflix on Apple TV in Germany
For example, the new remote control is to have a touchpad similar to that of the current MacBook or Apple Watch. According to the The New York Times attach particular importance to ease of use. The keyboard has already been tested excessively. Apple wants to avoid a debacle like Google TV and 78 keys on the remote control at all costs.

Apple would close the gap with an updated Apple TV to Amazon with FireTV-devices and to Google's Chromecast HDMI stick. Apple is also planning to cooperate with the major cable network operators and want to bring them as content suppliers to the Apple TV box. It remains to be seen whether the plan can stand up to the established providers - Apple definitely has experience in bringing the big content companies to the negotiating table.

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