Congstar: Influence compression with Speed Manager

speed manager congstar
Setting the compression with Congstar
Congstar uses the T-Mobile network, so some functions are also available. An exciting one: the Speed Manager at (only works with a congstar or other SIM card in the T-Mobile network), which can be used to influence the image and HTML compression. By default, On-The-Fly compression of the code but not of the images is selected. If you want faster data transmission without regard to compression artifacts, you can select "Compressed image and video transmission", for data transmission without intervention by T-Mobile "no optimization" can be selected. The latter option can help on pages like Facebook if javascripts are not executed correctly.

View the data consumption of the current month via Unfortunately, it doesn't work - Congstar is apparently still flying blind here, just like features like Visual Voicemail are missing. But maybe the Telekom subsidiary will make some improvements, the pure performance (telephony and data transmission) as well as the prices are ok.

Update 2013

Telekom Speed Manager deactivated
Telekom Speed Manager has been deactivated
Apparently, Telekom has the Speed manager or the possibility to influence it is deactivated - at least a corresponding message appears when you try to access the corresponding page with a Congstar-SIM.

In the age of LTE and similarly fast mobile data connections a service like Speedmanager is not really necessary anymore. But if you still want to compress data using Raspberry Pi, Privoxy & Ziproxy itself something similar to the Speed Manager. together - even if this is not as easy as using the Speed Managers.

Last updated on September 6, 2024 at 13:23 . Please note that the prices displayed here may have changed in the meantime. All information without guarantee.

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