Apple iPhone 5 already in June?

After Apple launched the 3rd generation iPad (or "iPad 3"), the rumour mill continues to rumour - it seems that the media (and readers) enjoy it. Latest news: the iPhone 5 is supposed to be introduced already in June.

Background of the assumption: Foxconn is looking for Report in Japanese television currently 18,000 new employees to ensure iPhone 5 production. Whether this is really the reason for the wave of hiring is of course open, but the conclusion is obvious - after all, Apple is one of Foxconn's biggest clients. However, whether the working conditions will improve with the additional staff is open, as is the data of the upcoming iPhone.

In the course of the year there will certainly be concrete information on this, until then there will be new rumours regularly - which you can either follow with interest or ignore, depending on your own interests 😉

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